5600 sqft | Boutique | Bar & Restaurant | Événementiel | À partager | Atypique |
Beautiful gardens, covered seating booths and metres of twinkly fairy lights – Bohemia Place is a stylish hub of music and creativity all packed into one East London setting. The ever on-trend Hackney is home to some of London’s coolest residents and nightclubs and could be the perfect spot for you if you like the look of this pop-up event space to let. Located under the Hackney railway arches, this Instagram-worthy space has bars, food prep areas and is available for hire on Monday's, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays and Sundays with weekend availability on request.
Tarif dégressif : plus la durée de votre location est longue, plus le prix diminue.
lundi 9:00 - 0:00
mardi 9:00 - 0:00
mercredi 9:00 - 0:00