Brick Lane, Shoreditch - The Retro Studio

Londresicône de chevronShoreditchicône de chevronBrick Lane, Shoreditch - The Retro Studio

690 sqft


Bar & Restaurant


À partager



In the heart of London's East End, you can find our warehouse studio on the iconic Brick Lane. This space, a harmonious blend of heritage and modernity, offers brands a unique canvas to craft their narrative in one London’s most vibrant districts. The space boasts a striking façade, classic bay windows and inside, featured towering ceilings and pristine white walls. Strategically placed skylights bathe the interior making this space ideal for those seeking new gallery locations, activation spaces or need a new retail

Équipements (4 disponibles)
Accès handicapé
Bon à savoir
It's worth noting, however, that the space's emphasis on openness comes at a practical cost: storage is at a premium.
Tenants should be prepared to implement creative solutions for inventory management or consider off-site storage options.
Licence d’exploitation

Read more about our licenses in our FAQs

Heures d’ouverture

Du lundi au vendredi : 9:00 - 21:00

Weekend : 9:00 - 21:00

Les règles à suivre
Building fascia painting or drilling into exterior walls is strictly prohibited in line with council regulations. Vinyl signage on shutters is permitted. If used, must be removed without causing any damage, and will require prior approval. No drilling or fixing to the interior walls, unless prior approval gained. No A-frames or other objects can be placed outside of the space or on the street. No loud music or parties are to be held in the space. Prior to key return the space will need to be cleaned by the tenant. This can be arranged for you and deducted from deposit.
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