Hackney Road, London - The Old Bank Vault

Londresicône de chevronShoreditchicône de chevronHackney Road, London - The Old Bank Vault

1450 sqft


Bar & Restaurant


À partager



Close to both Columbia Road and Broadway Market, this stretch of Hackney Road has seen some interesting independents opening up in recent years, including fashion-forward florist Grace & Thorn, ethicical shirt makers Henri London, and The Old Bank Vault, a beautiful concept store and gallery displaying artworks by local designers and artists - and your idea, too, if you like the look of this stylish space to let. View the floorplan for this space.


Période minimum de réservation 1 jour


Tarif dégressif : plus la durée de votre location est longue, plus le prix diminue.

Équipements (8 disponibles)
Accès handicapé
Système de sécurité
Bon à savoir
It can be quiet around here mid-week.

Please note artwork must remain in the property for any bookings less than one month in duration,
Licence d’exploitation

Read more about our licenses in our FAQs

Heures d’ouverture

Du lundi au vendredi : 9:00 - 21:00

Weekend : 9:00 - 21:00

Les règles à suivre
Art work will only be removed for bookings of a month or greater.
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