The Five at Five is a download of the best things to read, watch, shop, and get inspiration from – ready for the weekend. Each week, we’ll be bringing you selections from different tastemakers in our community, so you can delve into what’s keeping them entertained.
This week’s curator is Marvin Maddix, founder of BEYONDXY Creative Agency and FGUK Magazine.

Read: I am always in the midst of a new book discovery. I completed it recently over lockdown, but have taken the time to re-read Brené Brown‘s “Daring Greatly: How the courage to be vulnerable transforms the way we live, love, parent and lead.” There’s always a time to relook at myself to remind me of being mindful of the energy I bring into a room. With everything that happens in our day-to-day we can easily get bottled down in forgetting that every connection matters.

Watch: I’m a huge binge watcher of documentaries and Biopics and currently as FGUK Magazine focuses on delivering a new print issue it’s been heavily developed around Black lives matter, Black Trans lives, learning unbiased history and promoting truth. John Lewis: Good Trouble, alongside a good rewatch of “Paris is Burning” does the trick.

Listen: I am pretty much always listening to something new and committed to supporting new artists, especially within the queer/black sphere. I actually put together a playlist of New Tracks via FGUK Magazine, which you can listen Via TIDAL.

Shop: I am a lot more responsible when it comes to what I buy. I’ve fallen in love with brands that refuse to streamline and are carving a name for themselves as independent labels. Spencer Badu , Orange Culture, Minus Twø, Tokyo James, Daily Paper and Cold Laundry are the brands I want solidifying my wardrobe.

Inspiration: With there so much to inspire us now, it can get overwhelming with the amount of content and platforms. I choose to take a more self-inspired approach, keeping in mind social awareness of what’s happening and meet somewhere in the middle. I think the FGUK Magazine Feed is pretty much my mind at work.